Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Genuine Humility

The topic of self-forgetfulness & humility keeps popping up in my devotions. Genuine humility is such an integral part of true Christianity... yet so often self shows its ugly face in our everyday interactions. 

As I was reading in a book called Dare to Ask for More by Melody Mason (an inspiring must-read), I came across this quote by Andrew Murray:
It is easy to think we humble ourselves before God: [but] humility towards men will be the only sufficient proof that our humility before God is real...
The humble man feels no jealousy or envy. He can praise God when others are preferred and blessed before him. He can bear to hear others praised and himself forgotten, because in God's presence he has learnt to say with Paul, "I am nothing." He has received the spirit of Jesus, who pleased not himself, and sought not his own honor, as the spirit of his life. (Humility and Absolute Surrender, pg. 25, 27)
Hmm. What a high standard! This quote really made me think. Am I truly a humble person? 

How would I feel if all my canvassing students were praised for their hard work, but not one word of praise was spoken in my direction for the many hours I had put in? 

Can I honestly give Jesus ALL the credit for my hard work and sacrifice? Or do I soak up the praise as a reward for my faithful service? 

Do I say to others, "It was Him! He deserves all the credit!" and then quietly think in my heart, "But I did do a lot of work. God couldn't have done all that without me!"?

I cannot be seeking honor for myself, while at the same time cherishing humility in my heart. I've come to the realization that I cannot be something and God be everything. 

True humility is rare, even in the Christian world. It's a gift that only God can give. It is this Christ-centered humility that I desperately need in my life... This is what Jesus had and I want to be like Him. 

How can this humility of such high caliber become a reality in our lives? 

It takes heart searching and self-examination. It takes time. It takes earnestness of purpose. It takes much prayer. It takes willingness on our part to receive and accept the God-given gift. 

Self must be completely extinguished.  

May we be willing to serve even if we never receive praise or reward... May we daily behold the Great Standard of humility and let Him remove our deeply imbedded pride. May there be less of us and more of Him. 

Are you willing to let self die? 
Deep-down genuine humility is what I desire. How about you? 
~    ~    ~ 
Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right. - Ezra Taft Benson
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. - C.S. Lewis


  1. Thank you. Beautiful thought. It did speaks through my heart.

  2. Thank you for sharing, Twin. <3 Thoughts along these lines convicted me the other day as I thought about sharing the story of Lucifer and how he fell. Humility is something I treasure and am determined to gain by God's grace.

    Miss you!
